Insurance Blog
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Here’s Why You Should Buy Life Insurance for Your College Student
Posted: October 22, 2022
A college student does not typically have children or debt, other than student loans. With no dependents who rely on them, why would you buy life insurance for a child in college? No one wants to consider the death of a child. However, should this tragedy occur in your family, if you have co-signed on any loans, it can become a problem. On the positive...
How Does My Health Impact My Insurance?
Posted: October 14, 2022
The health insurance industry was radically changed with the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Prior to the passage of this law, a person who had a health condition was typically denied insurance coverage – a financial disaster for families, many of whom were forced to file bankruptcy due to medical bills. It was a monumental change in the health insurance industry when the law...
Do I Have to Choose a Beneficiary? What You Need to Know
Posted: October 12, 2022
When you purchase a life insurance policy, you must name a beneficiary, or several. The listed beneficiary is the person who will receive the death benefits should you pass away before you time. A sudden death due to an accident or illness leaves the family bereft, but the life insurance benefit allows them to move forward without suffering serious financial problems. The benefits are not...
Review Your Policy After These Major Life Changes
Posted: September 22, 2022
If you have life insurance, you are in good shape. However, when major life changes occur, it is time to review your policy and update it to suit your new situation. When to Review Your Life Insurance? Several life events will significantly change your life insurance needs. These include: Getting married: Once you are married, your lives are merged into one, sharing finances and personal...
6 Foods to Help Prevent Dehydration
Posted: September 10, 2022
Across the USA, many people live in communities that are experiencing hot, dry weather. Staying well hydrated is always important, and even more so during the hot summer months. Obviously, drinking plenty of water is vital, but there is more to staying hydrated than just consuming liquids. Electrolytes work to direct water and other nutrients to the cells. Many foods contain water, nutrients and electrolytes...