Insurance Blog
Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Changing Your Health Insurance After Marriage Or Divorce
Posted: April 29, 2019
Generally, you can only enroll in a health insurance plan during open enrollment or during a special enrollment period brought about by a qualifying event. Both marriage and divorce are considered qualifying events. Understanding when you are eligible to make changes is key to avoiding high-cost health insurance coverage or paying medical bills on your own. How Can You Change Your Health Insurance If You...
Should You Insure While You’re Young?
Posted: March 13, 2019
Regardless of your age, if you are married or have children the benefits of life insurance are obvious: you want to continue to provide for your loved ones should the unexpected occur. If you’re young, healthy, and single with no dependents, getting life insurance may be the furthest thing from your mind. No one likes considering their own mortality, especially in their twenties, when this...
Show the One You Love That You Really Care
Posted: February 12, 2019
Valentine’s Day conjures up images of hearts, flowers and chocolates. But you can show the one you love that you care every day of the year, by ensuring that you have a life insurance policy. Your loved one will appreciate that you took the time to put this protection in place should an unexpected accident or illness occur. Life insurance provides your loved one with...
5 Behaviors That Can Raise Your Life Insurance Premiums
Posted: January 15, 2019
Your hobbies, lifestyle, and overall health impact how much you pay for life insurance. For example, if you have decided to take up scuba diving, mountain climbing, rock climbing, BASE jumping or decide that you want to get involved in skydiving, these activities will affect the cost of your policy. Essentially, your life insurance policy is a legal contract between you and the company that...
7 Exclusions to Your Typical Life Insurance Plan
Posted: December 11, 2018
Life insurance is one of the most effective ways to ensure your family is protected. Should you suddenly become incapacitated or pass away, life insurance funds can be paid at once to the named beneficiaries without any concern about taxes or delays related to probate. However, when buying a life insurance policy, the one person who truly has your back is your agent. Every life insurance...